The future of a nation rests in the hands of the generations to come. But what if these budding florets of tomorrow are annihilated before the next sunrise? Even today 66 years after India’s independence, not even a single child or woman is safe in our own country. Every single day hundreds of cases of child abuses, molestation, and violence against women are reported on a large scale. What about those cases that are never noticed? With so many atrocities against children and women on rise, it is inappropriate to exercise the emancipation that our great leaders have presented us with. Rather than illustriously claiming that India is a free and democratic country, today on our dear Chachaji’s birthday we are standing in a pool of chagrin and scandal.
While some of our kids are indulging in children’s day celebrations they are unaware of their counterparts who have lost their ability to smile. The monsters who stage the curvaceous violence have once been children. The molding and shaping of a child reflects when he/she transforms into an adult. Children are keen observers and learn quickly whatever they witness and tend to practice it in their real lives. Some of the terrific incidents that have been reported in the past one year have seen criminals who are in their early teens. The kind of people they befriend and the culture that is emphasized on them plays an important role in shaping their character and behavior.
A family is the foundation that decides the well being of a child and contributes to his/her overall growth and future. In a family where the kids and women are ill-treated would generate negative vibes in the innocent mind of the child and this is where it all begins. The repetition of similar incidents causes the devil to dominate the child’s mind and to exhibit abrogating decorum increasing the crime rate in the country. But we want a country where everyone is safe and free of fear. Though the law needs to place a check on the illegal activities and maintain a peaceful atmosphere, it is the responsibility of each of us as Indian citizens to contribute our part in tending and presenting the future generations a culture representing the legacy that we inherited from our great leaders like Gandhiji and Bhagat Chand who shed their blood for motherland just to gift us with the freedom that we are enjoying today.
This would contribute to shaping a generation who would prove themselves by positively struggling for uplifting the spirit of the nation that is fast asleep. People spend a large amount of money on organizing beauty pageants, fashion shows etc. but there are hardly very few of them who think it otherwise, to help a child earn better education to drive away illiteracy and helping them earn a calling. This would wash off poverty from the country and this would transform our country into a developed nation with no suffering and violence.
A land free of blood-sheds, violence, terror, illegal-trafficking, smuggling and much more is the dream of Mother India. This dream rests in the hands of our youth and we all as Indians have an important role in helping these kids grow as the healthy and strong individuals of tomorrow who would help create a better nation and ultimately contribute their part in making the world a better place to live in.